

How is my role set up?

30. January, 2022 | Simon Heni

In the SIVIS Authorization Robot, you can explore the generated authorization concepts in different ways. For example, let's take a single role that we want to examine. There is much to explore in a single role. First of all, we are interested in the authorizations that are included in the role. We can use a tree map to quickly see which authorization objects are built into the role.

Below, we can also see all details in a table: authorization objects, fields and values.

In the other tabs, "Composite roles" and "User", we can see information about the respective entities. For example, how many users have this single role (directly and indirectly) assigned to them, but also in which composite roles has it been used.

Another possibility is that we set a global filter for the single role. This will filter each table accordingly in the overview, so that only entries related to the single role can be seen. For example, on the user tab we will then see only users assigned to the role.